Back to School
It was so nice to be off of school for the past week...I slept in late, didn't pick up a law book or business book, watched TV and DVDs... It was great! However, I knew it was going to have to end at some point and that point was this morning. I had a midterm in Wills and Trusts (the day after the 4th of July weekend! Bastard!!) Now, if I were smart I would have spent some time studying during the week; maybe a few hours here or a few hours there. Nope, not me. I started studying last night at around 5ish, took a break for dinner and fireworks at around 7 and then started working again at 11 (after watching a South Park special). I don't know if it is just this class in general or if I am just fed up with school but I didn't give a damn if I studied or not. I was not worried about this midterm and I didn't really care. I almost thought about not going in to school this morning but I had classes to register for and some paperwork to turn in.
My fish, Fishy, has not been doing well lately. I bought him and some frogs about a week and a half ago and all 3 frogs have died already. (I know, I know...don't have kids). My fish, however, has been hanging on. I discovered the other day that he has fin rot so I am trying to take care of that. It just makes me so sad to see him swim around his tank with only half of a back fin. It should grow back with the medicine but still.
On a happy note, the fireworks last night were cool. I don't know what it is about flashing lights and bright colors, but I'm hooked. As the younger child my brother is the one who picks out all the fireworks and sets up the "show". We're too lazy to drive to the fairgrounds to see the big firework show so aside from what we see over the trees this is about as good as our fireworks get. This year the fire department added some more banned fireworks to the list (the ones my brother and his friends used to modify so they would explode even bigger) but that was ok. I have always liked the 4th because I can 1. drink beer all day, 2. eat bbq meat and 3. light stuff on fire. :) SAdly, my weekend was ruined as I had to go to bed early so I could be up at 5:30 to get to my midterm which was scheduled earlier than our normal class (again, thank you Pagano).
Now it is time for me to skim so cases so I can bs my way through yet another Wills and Trusts class. Tomorrow I am going to be bs-ing both a stupid remedies paper and my business school homework.
Poor Fishy! I hope he gets better!
And haha, go Megs! That's super coo' that you can reach a real point of not caring about your midterm. (Well, as possible as can be.) I've yet to get there...the anal/OCD tendencies are still persisting.
Glad to see you had fun on your 4th! Hope you drank enough beer for the both of us. =)
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