The Daily Adventures of Monkeygrrl18

Friday, July 08, 2005


Have you ever wanted to just gouge out your eyeballs and poke out your eardrums just so you don't have to listed to someone drone on about something? I have that feeling right at this moment. I'm sitting in my "remedies lab" and I want to kill someone. I'm sure this isn't a normal feeling but I am so over this class. Fridays are supposed to be my days off and I'm here, sitting in this basically windowless classroom, freezing so my hands are turning blue. I don't give a damn about remedies. I don't care about plaintiff. The man is hurting...get over it!

This morning I woke up and I could feel a huge migraine coming on. One of the migraines were you can feel is going to hurt so bad that you're going to lose vision in one eye. Great...that's how my day started. Then I had to come here. Talking about pain and suffering...that's me, right now! I can feel another migraine coming on. I thought I was doing so well, too. Before this morning I had not had a headache in months. That always makes me happy. See how bad this class is and what it does to me? Right now all I want to do is go home and sit in a room that is warmer than the 50 degree one I'm in now. Alright, that's enough complaining for the moment.

On the up-side...I heard from my best friend today. She lives in England and I was so afraid that she might be in London. Normally she doesn't go to London but there is always that chance that she was there. Thankfully, she wasn't and none of her friends or her fiance's family were hurt.


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