I should have lost about 10 pounds....
Yesterday I had another day off (I like it when the boss is in another country) so I made a whole list of things to do.
First I started with the Musee Grevin. It is a wax museum started in the 1900's. I swear, I must have watched too many Vincent Price movies when I was younger...I kept waiting for the wax people to come to life, grab me and make me into a wax statute (but not in some stupid way like that dumb-ass remake. *cough*ParisHilton*cough* Some of the people were cool but most of them were French celebrities that I had never even heard of. There was also a wax person of Dubya but it looked absolutely nothing like him...maybe they were looking at the wrong picture... Seeing the wax statutes of the King's was very cool. They were very cool. They even had the Merovingian kings, mom.
After the museum I took the metro over to Notre Dame where I wanted to take the tour of the towers. Colin and I have always wanted to do it but the lines are either too long or my mom doesn't want to wait for us. :) Anyway, as I was by myself I decided hell with it, I'm going to do it. And, because I'm under 26 I got in at a reduced price! So, the climb is not that high but it is hard because it is the old stone, spiral staircases. I hate those things. I'm always afraid that I'm going to fall. Actually, while I was in Chamrousse I slipped on a staircase like that and the only reason I don't go rolling down the staircase was because I fell into the wall. Go figure, huh? Anyway, the climb was hard as I am very out of shape but it was well worth it when I got to the top.

Personally, I love the gargoyles. Each one is different and they each have their own personalities. My favorite ones were the one that was bored and the one that was eating the bird.

After I took these pictures I walked up another spiral staircase to go to the very top of the towers and see a panoramic view of the city. The view was nice but the staircase was not. The staircases are very tiny, as they are very old, and instead of having one staircase for climbing the tower and one for descending the tower, the same staircase was used for both. Going up and down the staircase was very scary because whenever you passed someone you had to hug the middle part of the stairs or else risk slipping and rolling down. Not a pleasant experience. I've done it once and I don't think I would ever go to the top part of the tower again.
After leaving Notre Dame I went over to St. Sulpice. If any of you have read "The DaVinci Code" you will recognize that church as the one having the "meridian line" that lined up with an old pagan temple. While the line is in the church, there is no a plaque-type thing in the church saying "unlike the statements in a recently released best-seller, there is no meridian line, there was no pagan temple on this spot, and the letters P and S in the windows do not stand for Priory of Scion - they stand for Peter and Sulpice." I thought that was funny. Maybe I'll go back and take a picture of it.
After St. Sulpice I was getting hungry so I went into a supermarket and bought my lunch and then I took it somewhere to eat. Want to know where I ate lunch yesterday?

Here! The Eiffel Tower is my favorite thing about Paris...so much so that the last time my family and I were here no one else wanted to even climb it. I had to settle to just walked up to it and see it. I can't believe I have been here for 3 weeks and this was the first time I've visited it! Anyway, after I ate my lunch on the grass next to the tower, I decided that I was going to walked up the stairs. I thought, ok, again Colin and I have always wanted to do that and I just ate a huge lunch, might as well work off the cheese. OMG...that is the first and the last time I do that. It was horrible! I can't believe I climbed about 600 feet on foot. At least it was a cold day so I wasn't dying.
When I finally got to the second story (after having first stopped at the fisrt floor to die a little bit) I started to get sea-sick. It was very windy and the tower was moving. I can't even imagine what the top floor must have been like. I am so glad that I didn't decide to go to the top...I probably would have thrown up. As it was I was looking for somewhere I could throw up without do it on the people below me. :) So, all in all, not a good experience climbing the Eiffel Tower. Colin, if you come visit me and we go to the Eiffel Tower, you can climb it and I'll take the elevator, ok?
The last thing I had planned for yesterday, to go to the Arch de Triomphe was put off until another day. I was so exhausted after all of me walking and climbing yesterday that all I wanted to do was go home. Actually, when I finally did make it home, I fell asleep while I was sitting on my bed. To say the least, I slept very well last night and I'm glad that I had this morning off so that I could sleep in!
how many steps to the 1st floor?
An admirer :)
about 400 feet in the air :)
But, while I was walking I did notice that on the bottom of the double decker elevators are mannequins showing how the elevators used to run. The man would sit on the back of the elevator...out in the open...and push the button. Now that should have garnered hazard pay.
I didn't know all the gargoyles were different! That's so nifty. So did you see Goliath, Lexington or Bronx? Har, har...okay I'll stop making lame jokes. (That was a good cartoon though!)
And yowzah, that is quite a climb! So, next stop french salon for a pedicure or massage? ;-P
Anyways have fun megs! I gotta' live up it vicariously through you! (I'm in environmental torts right now...and paying oh-so much attention.) *smoochies*
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