bon weekend
You're probably all wondering if I died or something but no, I have just been very busy at work. I'm at the office all day and then by the time I come home and eat dinner it is 9:30 or 10 o'clock and then it is homework time before bed. I didn't want to be working this much but that's how it is.
Today, as one of my 2 days off, I went into Paris. My intention was to go buy clothes at H&M and C&A but I didn't find anything that I really liked. So, I walked around instead.
I was walking and walking (I have no idea where or on what street) and I found a really nice, old church called St. Eunice. It was under construction so unfortunately I couldn't take a really good picture of the church but it was beautiful.

The plaques inside the church said that it was one of the ones that inspired Notre Dame. It was so beautiful and peaceful. It wasn't like Notre Dame that is constantly filled with people and you get shoved around. This one only had about 10 people in it. Probably because it was out of the way and no one knows about it.
After that I just walked around. I forget that I'm in Paris because I read very well, it's like reading in English. When people start talking to me and I have to answer them is when it kicks in. I understand what they are saying but I can't think and translate from english to french in my head fast enough to answer them very well. Oh gets better every day.
After walking around for a bit I ate lunch in the gardens behind Notre Dame. I have never been in there before as when I come with my parents we are usually in such a hurry to see everything that we don't have time. It's very beautiful too...even when it's raining.

After a very good lunch. I walked along the Left Bank of the Seine where all of the book sellers and stuff are.

It was very cold at that point and looked like it was going to rain so I started heading back toward Notre Dame. I was thinking about catching the metro there and then going home but there were so many people that I had to push my way through the crowd just to get across the street. Incredible. So I started walking back to the rue de Rivoli and by all of the shops. The sun started to come out so I decided to just keep walking. I walked the whole of the street, past the shopping area, past the Louvre and the tourist shops and then I went in the Tuilleries. This was once the garden of the Palais de Louvre before the king moved out to Versailles. I haven't visited Versailles yet but I plan to.

Very beautiful garden. Not as beautiful as it once was but you can imagine what it would have looked like hundreds of years ago. Way off in the distance you can see the little arch built by Napoleon to symbolize himself and his conquests. It is right in line with the Arc de Triomphe, the Obelisk from Egypt, the Louvre, the Champs-Elysee and the Grand Arche in La Defense. It's very cool to see an aerial view but I couldn't find one on Google.

I walked all the way to the Arc de Triomphe and then decided that was enough. My poor little feet were so tired. I kinda wish I had a pedometer because I must have walked about 10 miles today! But, it was really nice to just go out and walk around. I discovered some things that I have never seen before. And I saw a street called Nicolas Flamel (for all the HP readers!)
Ok...time to go partake in some homework. A tout allure!
Aww megs! Don't work too hard. Although, heh, Jodi would prolly' be pleased if you were. ;-P
And dang, haha, it does sound like you get some good mileage out there in France! It'd be interesting to see what a pedometer clocks you at. :P
Anyways, lovely pics again! I wish I could go sight seeing with you! D'oh stupid me turning down your offer to go to France frosh year! ^__^
Oh and I forgot to mention, those places look amazing!
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