Almost Time!
I only have about a week and a half left before I leave! I'm getting so excited. My dad is joking that after I have been over there for 3 months I may never come back! I dunno...I'd come back to finish GGU and then I'd move over there! Right now I'm staring at my bed with the huge piles of clothes that I'm trying to decide to take. The suitcases look huge but I know that once I pack my books and extras there won't be much room for clothes. That is the part I am not looking forward to...I don't like having to wear the same outfit once a week for 3 months. Unfortunately, I cannot afford anything in Paris aside from H&M so clothes-shopping is most likely out of the question.
I'm also getting really excited considering all of the side-trips I may be able to take. I know definitely that I will go to Venice. After Paris and SF, Venice is my favorite city in the world so I am really looking forward to that trip. I'm hoping that I can also fit in a trip to Rome as the last time I was there I only had a few days and barely had time to see anything. My best friend and her husband are thinking of meeting me in Venice and maybe Rome. That should be really fun. Although I have never been to Venice during the flood season I still think it would be beautiful. Maybe this time I'll have time to walk around the city and explore more. I'm getting excited just thinking about being there! I can't wait!
I'm also hoping that my uncle has some projects brewing in other countries becuase he said he'd take me around to see them. We're already going to travel around France and visit his current projects (plus probably go visit my aunt on the Riviera). Seeing the country with someone who knows it will be great. My uncle is a very good tour guide. When my dad and I went to visit him in 2000 he took us all around Paris and gave history and arcitechture insight that guide books never have. I'm also one of my uncle's favorites so that makes it much better. ;)
Alright, off to clean the fish and back to packing. Au revoir!
Ohhh, I'm so jealous! You're going to have such a grand time in all of those places. I hope that you get the chance to do a lot of lil' side trips, because you deserve it. ^_^
ps: send me a postcard! =D
pps: haha, sorry about your packing dilemma.
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