My Parents Went to Chicago and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt...
but not really. I know I should be the good little law student and diligently working on the (stupid, waste of time) remedies paper but I just finished writing a long paper for my mangement class and I decided hell with it. I'd much rather take pictures of stuff and babble on the Internet.
So, anyway, my parents were in Chicago this past week visitng my grandma. My grandma lives out in the middle of nowhere and the biggest store around is WalMart. However, my parents ended up at some Target (45 minitues away!) for some reason and they bought my brother and I something cooler than a T-shirt. Have you ever just sat at your desk staring at the computer and thought...hmmm...something is missing. Today my desk is complete. No longer will I have to settle for a sad little lava lamp on my computer screen...I now have my very own USB powered glitter lava lamp!

Now you can't tell from my crooked photo, but the lamp lights up and the glitter is swirling around. It's actually very cool. I do have to say it is one of my favorite new toys.
Secondly, yesterday morning when unpacking their suitcase my dad noticed that one of the zippers had come off of the suitcase so it was going to be retired. The suitcase had served us had traveled around Italy with me and back and forth to France many times with us over the past 10 years. As luck would have it, K-Mart was having a sale on luggage and there was a really nice looking American Tourister set that we wanted to look at. It was just boring blue. My mom wouldn't allow me to get black because "everyone has black suitcases" not true, mine are flowery. :) I really wanted the palm tree suitcases becuase they reminded me of playing Mario 3 (yanno, level 2 Desert World?) but all I could find were either huge ones or really little ones. Oh time. Anyway, back to the story, as we were waiting in line to checkout, I say a whole bunch of kids' travel stuff on an endcap. And then I saw these...

Aren't they the cutest things? The frogs have googley eyes! How many other people are going to have colorful, googley eyed frogs marking their suitcases? Not many.
I was also very excited today because my new L.L.Bean bag came in. I have been looking for a nice messenger bag for awhile and I've been looking at the L.L.Bean ones but I finally decided to buy one. I don't really like buying stuff from catalogs becuase you never know how it is actually going to turn out (*cough* $80 cheap dresses from Fredericks *cough*) but this bag is really nice.

I have to find a padded case for my laptop but other than that I think this bag is exactly what I want. The padded strap is so nice. A few years ago I had a messenger bag and it used to cut into my neck every time I wore it. This bag should be nice when I'm riding the Metro in to work or just wandering around the city. I'm very excited to start using it!
Ohhhh! *eyes stuff* *sneaks around* *swipes your glitter lava lamp* *tries on your messenger bag* =D
Hehe, jk. Wow, Megs you made away like a bandit with all your coo' new stuff!
Lemme' know where in SF you're working and when, maybe we can do lunch! does Thursday or Friday sound?
Ohh! Either day works fine for me. =)
Are you working on Fri? Because I was thinkin' of doing some shopping. I have a $15 off thing for AE. =D
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