The Daily Adventures of Monkeygrrl18

Friday, August 12, 2005

Crappy Day

Today was a bad day, no question about it.

So, today was the MPRE (one part of the Bar Exam). I had been studying for it all week and I felt that I was prepared. I had to take it in Walnut Creek so I left at 10:30 this morning so I could have plenty of time to find out where I was going and to sit in traffic. OK, fine, driving down Lakeville towards Highway 37. No one in front of me, no one in behind me, just driving along my merry way and then I pass a highway patrolman. God damnit if he didn't hit the brakes, put on his flashers and turn around to stop me for speeding! He said he clocked me at 73 in a 55 but I'm not so sure about that. Sadly, there is nothing I can do about it because I'm leaving in 3 weeks. I made it almost 3 years without a damn ticket and of course I get one this morning...on my way to the MPRE. Like I wasn't stressed out about it enough. That was a wonderful way to start my morning.

To study for the MPRE I signed up for BarBri. Let me just say now that it was a waste of time and I want my $185 back! I was a good little girl...I went through the practice tests, went through the PR summary and the full-on content in the book. There were so many questions on the test that I had never even heard about. And BarBri is not very competent in explaining things. The book is like a professor that understands what he's talking about and doesn't understand why no one else does, so he just keeps repeating the same convoluted thing over and over again. Way to go! I hope that someone from BarBRi calls me within the next 3 weeks to ask what I thought of their test prep program. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I pass this test and don't have to take it again in March. Thanks-a-fucking-lot BarBri. Hope you enjoy my money!

Then, after all of this other crap that happened, it took me almost 3 hours to get home. I originally planned to stop in SF and pick up a book from the bookstore but once I hit highway 24 it was dead stopped. Normally, you can get off of a highway exit and just turn around to get back on the other side...nope, not this one. I kept getting off and the only way to go was to get back on the highway. What asshole came up with that solution? " can we screw with drivers? I know! Let's make exits that aren't exits at all!" So I finally made it into SF after about an hour, stopped at the bookstore and then got back in the car to drive home. Seeing as though it's Friday, everyone leaves at 2pm so traffic was at it's finest. I'm going to be so happy when 101 is finally widened or they extend BART all the way up here. Of course I'm going to be retired by the time that happens...

I don't know who the hell I pissed off today but I really had to pay for it with my crappy day.


At 5:38 PM, Blogger hiddenskyy said...

Awww, megs! I'm sorry you had such a bad day. =(

But, it's all over now...and you have France to look forward to! Yay!

And don't worry I'm sure you passed. =) *hugglez*


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