6 Semesters Down, 5 to Go!
I finished my last summer final today! Now I'm over half way done with school. Just think...2 years from now I'll be finished with 2 graduate degrees and have taken the Bar Exam (hopefully the only time I'll ever have to take it). I know I pretty much failed the multiple choice exam today. Half of the things on the exam I had never even heard of. I guess that makes me feel better because no matter how much studying I did I wouldn't have known them. Oh well...maybe with the A on my midterm it'll work out to a decent grade.
On a side note...I can't believe I only have a month left until I leave! I'm so excited. I'm getting nervous, too, though because my French still sucks and my unlce told my dad the other day that soon after I arrive my uncle is going to have a "meet Megan" party (I love when I'm the center of attention!) so everyone can find out why I wanted to come to France. My mom was laughing saying "hmmm...do you give them the real reason or make up a diplomatic reason about wanting to learn about France?!"
Although I love France, I think aside from San Francisco, Paris is my favorite city in the world, there are a lot of things I am going to miss. Of course I'm going to miss all of my friends and D but I'm going to miss the little things, too. I am definitely going to miss having a closet. I hate living out of suitcases! I'm also going to miss driving. The metro is great becuase I don't have to mess with parking but in the metro I can't turn up the stereo really loud and sing with the music. :) I'm also going to miss Fishy. (See Babe, he has a tail!)

Now that finals are over I am going to read Harry Potter. Everyone has been telling me that it is so good and that I should read it but I knew that once I did I wouldn't put it down. Now it is time to get the reading on!
Your fishie is so cute! =D
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