I'm just going to ignore the fact that I haven't updated this in almost 3 months...
So, my mom and I have been taking a cake decorating class. We're really good, too. We've been making leaves, flowers, basket weave, clowns, and borders. This past friday was the "final" of our second series of classes. We were supposed to make a cake to look like a casket and pile it full of flowers, butterflies and lady bugs. Ours were so cute...while they were in class. I guess the frosting was too thin because half of the frosting fell off of my cake under the weight of the flowers. :(
No one seemed to mind, they ate it anyway.
Next series we are going to learn how to make those doll cakes (the ones with the dresses and the doll stuck in them). My cake is going to be Scarlett O'Hara. Then we are going to finish the course by making a wedding cake. That should be really interesting. I just don't even want to think about eating teeth hurt just thinking about how much sugar is in that frosting!
Pictures to follow.
Ok, I'm lazy and just got around to putting the pictures up but here they are:

Starting with my favorite cake first. This baby cake was my "final" for the third class series. Our project was to make a 2-tier cake. Outside of the two tier requirement we could make it in any way that we wanted. Orignally, I had planned to make a waterfall but I scratched that idea when I couldn't find candy rocks. When I flipped through a cake book I fell in love with the little babies but I wasn't sure I was up for all the sculpting. I gave in though and went for it.
The babies took HOURS to make because I made each piece separately and then glued them together. They are the cutest things! They have little ears, noses, eyeballs, hands, feet and hair. When they were drying on the counter my mom would walk by them and go "Awwww.....aren't you the cutest little babies!"
My teacher was very impressed. She took pictures so that she could make her own cake like this. I was very proud of the way it turned out. I even made the cake from scratch (but it was cooked too long and I didn't put the milk/sugar coating on it because I was afraid it would make it too soggy to stack).
This cake sat on the kitchen counter for like a week before I dared to cut it. Before I did though I pulled all of the babies and most of the (handpainted!) blocks off of the cake so I could reuse them.
We were set up in the front of Michael's while we were putting together our cakes so our teacher could show us off. Some lady came up and was staring at us. Then she said "I don't understand. What is this?" My mom tried to explain that we were in the cake decorating class and this was one of our classes. To which the lady replied, " this is cake. Real cake?" "Yes, ma'am." Then, this is my favorite part, "I need a wedding cake for Saturday." What do you want me to do about it, whip one out of my ass? I tried to sell her my baby cake for $80 but she wasn't having it. My teacher scolded me and said it shouldn't go for less than $150!

This cake was the final cake for the first series. We had made roses the week before and our teacher told us to make 15 roses for this cake. Mine were purple and white. I don't recommend actually eating the purple ones because they are so bitter from the purple coloring.
I'm surprised at how well this cake turned out. It's amazing what you can do with some frosting and gum drops, huh?

This is my dolly cake. We made this in the second class series. I have always wanted a doll cake but never got one because 1) my mom thought she couldn't make one and 2) they were way too expensive in the stores. Very easy to make though. I keep telling my mom that she should practice because I expect a Scarlett O'Hara doll cake for my birthday!

This is the cake my mom and I made for some of the teachers at her school who recently had babies. It was a disaster.
My mom didn't put the mixing bowl in the correct position when she was mixing so the eggs didn't get mixed into the batter and we didn't notice until she had already put the cake into the pan. I tried to mix them in the pan but it didn't work very well. We then tried making one sheet cake and then cutting it but it fell apart. After about 4 hours and one crumbly cake, my mom went to the store to buy more cake mixes, eggs and another cake pan so we could make two cakes and then stack those. Some of the cake pieces didn't come out of the pan so it wasn't exactly square and there were some chunks missing. No worries...fill it in with frosting!
By the time we got the two layers of cake together and frosted, that thing must have weighed about 50 pounds! No kidding. It turned out so well though. You can almost not even tell that the sides are not straight and that there were big pieces missing in some places.
The baby is a little scary though. My plan was to make a sleeping baby with his eyes closed but my mom wanted a baby with blue eyes. I tried to talk her out of it but then said, alright, it's your cake. Well, the baby looked strange with just vacant eyeballs so she decided to put eyebrows on it. Bad idea. That was the most frightening baby I have ever seen! Apparently the cake was good because there was only a tiny bit left when we came to pick up the leftovers after school.