The Daily Adventures of Monkeygrrl18

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Poor Fishy

Fishy died. I left him with my parents and they killed him. When I came home he was swimming around in dirty water and wasn't looking too well. I hurried up and changed his water but it was too late. Poor thing was sick. He wouldn't eat, he didn't swim around very much and he wasn't his usual self. I gave him some medicine and then found him floating on his side the next day. I'm sorry for leaving you with those people, Fishy.

I have also decided that when I have kids I am not bringing them over to my parents' house. I'd come to pick them up and my parents' would have forgotten to feed them or bathe them. Probably forgotten their names as well...


At 5:38 PM, Blogger hiddenskyy said...

Aww, poor fishy. =(


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