The Daily Adventures of Monkeygrrl18

Saturday, July 30, 2005


I am so mad. I wanted to play the sim law firm that I talked about a few weeks ago and when I clicked on my bookmark the page was all in French! Damnit...why tease me with an English page if it is going to spontaneously translate into French?!

Monday, July 25, 2005

My Parents Went to Chicago and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt...

but not really. I know I should be the good little law student and diligently working on the (stupid, waste of time) remedies paper but I just finished writing a long paper for my mangement class and I decided hell with it. I'd much rather take pictures of stuff and babble on the Internet.

So, anyway, my parents were in Chicago this past week visitng my grandma. My grandma lives out in the middle of nowhere and the biggest store around is WalMart. However, my parents ended up at some Target (45 minitues away!) for some reason and they bought my brother and I something cooler than a T-shirt. Have you ever just sat at your desk staring at the computer and thought...hmmm...something is missing. Today my desk is complete. No longer will I have to settle for a sad little lava lamp on my computer screen...I now have my very own USB powered glitter lava lamp!

Now you can't tell from my crooked photo, but the lamp lights up and the glitter is swirling around. It's actually very cool. I do have to say it is one of my favorite new toys.

Secondly, yesterday morning when unpacking their suitcase my dad noticed that one of the zippers had come off of the suitcase so it was going to be retired. The suitcase had served us had traveled around Italy with me and back and forth to France many times with us over the past 10 years. As luck would have it, K-Mart was having a sale on luggage and there was a really nice looking American Tourister set that we wanted to look at. It was just boring blue. My mom wouldn't allow me to get black because "everyone has black suitcases" not true, mine are flowery. :) I really wanted the palm tree suitcases becuase they reminded me of playing Mario 3 (yanno, level 2 Desert World?) but all I could find were either huge ones or really little ones. Oh time. Anyway, back to the story, as we were waiting in line to checkout, I say a whole bunch of kids' travel stuff on an endcap. And then I saw these...

Aren't they the cutest things? The frogs have googley eyes! How many other people are going to have colorful, googley eyed frogs marking their suitcases? Not many.

I was also very excited today because my new L.L.Bean bag came in. I have been looking for a nice messenger bag for awhile and I've been looking at the L.L.Bean ones but I finally decided to buy one. I don't really like buying stuff from catalogs becuase you never know how it is actually going to turn out (*cough* $80 cheap dresses from Fredericks *cough*) but this bag is really nice.

I have to find a padded case for my laptop but other than that I think this bag is exactly what I want. The padded strap is so nice. A few years ago I had a messenger bag and it used to cut into my neck every time I wore it. This bag should be nice when I'm riding the Metro in to work or just wandering around the city. I'm very excited to start using it!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Tour de France

Ok...not the race but my trip. I bought my tickets today. I'm leaving on September 5th...7 weeks from tomorrow!! I'm getting so excited!! Alright, enough with the exclamation points. I just have to get through the next 4 weeks and then school is out of the way. I was looking at the cheap airfares in Europe and I started planning my little side trips. I think I am going to go to Venice for my birthday. I love Venice. I'm going to try and talk my best friend into taking a little mini-vacation from work and meeting me there. That would be so much fun! I know that I am going to visit my best friend and her future (4 weeks!) husband in England. Last time I was in Paris she and I tried to meet up but it didn't work out. This time I'll be there for 3 months so we'll find at least one weekend that we can meet.

Right now I'm watching "Pirates of the Caribbean." No matter how many times I watch that movie it still gets me. Maybe it's Johnny Depp in eyeliner. I swear, there is nothing sexier (except D) than a man in eyeliner...well, most men anyway. For awhile I thought I was going to end up with a punky/skater-type guy but I ended up finding a much better one. Besides, he won't scare people with his safety pin earrings and black nail polish. ;)

I know, I know, I should be studying for PR but I don't want to. It's my weekend, damnit! I already give up enough of my time for school and I need a few hours to myself. This is Megan time.

On a side note, my best friend is getting married in less than 4 weeks! (August 20th, D...write it down, please.) I can't believe seems like just yesterday that we were getting ready for Homecomings and Prom. Wow...time does fly, doesn't it?

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Girlie Time

I just finished watching the Disney movie "The Princess Diaries." I love that movie! I know it's aimed at little girls but seriously, what girl (young or old) hasn't hoped that they were secretly a princess? In the second "Princess Diaries" movie I just want Mia's closet (of course the palace would be nice, too)!! That movie always makes me cry, too. I don't know what it is but that movie and "Sweet Home Alabama" always, always make me cry. I hate to admit it but those are the chick flicks I like. Maybe it's the sappy "love-and-happiness-conquer-all" themes that get me. Who knows...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Almost Done

That's what I have to keep telling myself...almost done...almost done. I don't know what is wrong with me but I am always exhausted. I get up in the morning and instead of looking refreshed, I look dead! I know that is not supposed to happen. Normal people wake up in the morning and look beautiful. D is a great liar and says I look beautiful all the time. There is another reason why I love him. :)

I just keep looking forward to August 4th. That is my last day of finals and although I'll still have to study for the MPRE I won't have to wake up so early and sit at school all day. I'm so sad...all I want to do is play video games and watch movies and I can't!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

New Internship?

Yesterday I was looking aroud the GameDev forums and I found this. I wonder if I could just play it for awhile and then add it to my resume as a "law office manager" internship.

Friday, July 08, 2005


Have you ever wanted to just gouge out your eyeballs and poke out your eardrums just so you don't have to listed to someone drone on about something? I have that feeling right at this moment. I'm sitting in my "remedies lab" and I want to kill someone. I'm sure this isn't a normal feeling but I am so over this class. Fridays are supposed to be my days off and I'm here, sitting in this basically windowless classroom, freezing so my hands are turning blue. I don't give a damn about remedies. I don't care about plaintiff. The man is hurting...get over it!

This morning I woke up and I could feel a huge migraine coming on. One of the migraines were you can feel is going to hurt so bad that you're going to lose vision in one eye. Great...that's how my day started. Then I had to come here. Talking about pain and suffering...that's me, right now! I can feel another migraine coming on. I thought I was doing so well, too. Before this morning I had not had a headache in months. That always makes me happy. See how bad this class is and what it does to me? Right now all I want to do is go home and sit in a room that is warmer than the 50 degree one I'm in now. Alright, that's enough complaining for the moment.

On the up-side...I heard from my best friend today. She lives in England and I was so afraid that she might be in London. Normally she doesn't go to London but there is always that chance that she was there. Thankfully, she wasn't and none of her friends or her fiance's family were hurt.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Back to School

It was so nice to be off of school for the past week...I slept in late, didn't pick up a law book or business book, watched TV and DVDs... It was great! However, I knew it was going to have to end at some point and that point was this morning. I had a midterm in Wills and Trusts (the day after the 4th of July weekend! Bastard!!) Now, if I were smart I would have spent some time studying during the week; maybe a few hours here or a few hours there. Nope, not me. I started studying last night at around 5ish, took a break for dinner and fireworks at around 7 and then started working again at 11 (after watching a South Park special). I don't know if it is just this class in general or if I am just fed up with school but I didn't give a damn if I studied or not. I was not worried about this midterm and I didn't really care. I almost thought about not going in to school this morning but I had classes to register for and some paperwork to turn in.

My fish, Fishy, has not been doing well lately. I bought him and some frogs about a week and a half ago and all 3 frogs have died already. (I know, I know...don't have kids). My fish, however, has been hanging on. I discovered the other day that he has fin rot so I am trying to take care of that. It just makes me so sad to see him swim around his tank with only half of a back fin. It should grow back with the medicine but still.

On a happy note, the fireworks last night were cool. I don't know what it is about flashing lights and bright colors, but I'm hooked. As the younger child my brother is the one who picks out all the fireworks and sets up the "show". We're too lazy to drive to the fairgrounds to see the big firework show so aside from what we see over the trees this is about as good as our fireworks get. This year the fire department added some more banned fireworks to the list (the ones my brother and his friends used to modify so they would explode even bigger) but that was ok. I have always liked the 4th because I can 1. drink beer all day, 2. eat bbq meat and 3. light stuff on fire. :) SAdly, my weekend was ruined as I had to go to bed early so I could be up at 5:30 to get to my midterm which was scheduled earlier than our normal class (again, thank you Pagano).

Now it is time for me to skim so cases so I can bs my way through yet another Wills and Trusts class. Tomorrow I am going to be bs-ing both a stupid remedies paper and my business school homework.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Another Day of Nothing :)

So today was another day of dooing absolutely nothing (well...I did add a few posts for my management class homework but since I haven't read the chapters I don't really consider that homework). I had this whole list of stuff I was supposed to do on my week off from school...after I finished about half of the stuff I gave up. Now this half-finished list is sitting on my desk and making me feel bad. I just want to watch movies! Before this week I hadn't been able to watch a movie for months because I felt guilty and like I should have been studying. Damn starts taking over your mind and makes you feel worhtless if you aren't concentrating on it. But, on a happy side note, I haven't dreamed about law books and outlines chasing me for a few weeks. I consider that an accomplishment!

Tomorrow, when all I want to be doing is drinking beer and alcohol and partaking of the burned meet products, I have to study for this dumb-ass midterm. "Don't study too hard for the midterm; it will only help you, not hurt you" he says. I don't know if I believe that. Like Corey said, I'm afraid that he's going to fail all of us and then put the fear of God into us to study for the final.

Aside from school mom and I went on a few errands today and I bought some pretty stuff. We went to the fabric store and I bought some really pretty material to make a skirt, 2 shirts, and a long shirt/coat. I'm very excited about making stuff. I love when I'm making clothes and I can see the piece morph from little cut-outs into pretty dresses or things. Lately, I've been making hats. During Christmas, when one of my grandmas came out to visit, I made her a hat. Then my mom wanted one. Then my dad told my aunt and my other grandma about them and they decided they wanted some. It's not like they're hard to make, I just get tired of doing it. :) My dad then decided that he wanted a driving cap. So, I had to find a pattern, find the material and then make it. Of course I decided that I wanted one, too, so I made one for myself. You can see Colin modeling them.

My mom and I also went to Avenue (the big lady store). The clothes are all too big for me but I can usually find some nice accessories. For the past few months I have been looking at this watch set that is a crystal covered watch face with 3 interchangeable bands. I've always liked it but never bought it. Today it was on clearance for $9.99! My mom had an even better deal than I did...she bought a $100 pair of boots for $9.99. They were knee-high with a heel...maybe I can work on her yet. Whenever we go to Avenue I keep showing up at the dressig room with new clothes trying to get her to try them on. I almost got her to buy a really pretty surplice dress but she didn't like that it was navy blue instead of black. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to keep on trying.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Starting Out

I have decided to take an internship job in Paris, France. I will be there from the beginning of September through the first or second week of December. I'm really excited about it! How often does one get to just pick up and move to another country for 3 months? I'll be working for and staying with my uncle. He has been trying to get me to do this for years and I decided that now is the time to go.

My uncle's house is great. He lives about a 5 minute Metro ride outside of Paris. If anyone has ever ridden the Metro in Paris they know it is the most easily navigable subway system and will get you almost anywhere you want to go. One of my first stops is definitely going to be the Eiffel Tower! I know it's a tourist trap, Corey, and that Tom Cruise ruined it a little bit but it is one of my favorite places in the whole world. Seeing it is like seeing the Golden Gate Bridge every morning when I come out of the rainbow matter how many times I've seen it I still feel a huge smile take over when I do see it again!

I'm hoping that since French people have shorter work weeks than Americans that I will have some time to travel around Europe also. I am definitely going to visit one of my best friends who now lives outside of London. My uncle wants me to visit my cousin and her family in Germany and I'm hoping that my uncle will take me on some of his business trips. Most of all I am hoping that I can have some 3 or 4 day weekends so I can go visit places in Italy, Spain, Ireland or the UK. I'm hoping these places will be less crowded becuase it will be automn and not so much of the tourist season but we'll see.

I started this page so I could post pictures and write about what I am doing in France.

Unfortunately, it's only July and I have 2 months before I leave. In those 2 months I have 4 classes that I have to finish, the MPRE part of the CA Bar Exam to take, Alli's wedding to see(!) and a whole lot of packing and planning. I'm trying to brush up on my french before I go so I don't sound like the arrogant American expecting everyone to know English. I never realized how much I missed out on in French class becuase we never learned anything relating to the language. I learned that all French people love nutella (which is a very vile and disgusting "chocolate" spread) and play mille bourne. However, as my brother pointed out the other day, not once when we were in France the last time did my uncle pull out mille bourne cards! Oh well...I guess better to learn french now than later. Besides, even if I don't speak it very well when I first get there I will be almost fluent in about a week and a half.

*Sigh* I can't wait to go to France but for now I have to study for my midterm which is on Tuesday, the day after Fourth of July. (Thanks Pagano).